Apparent for sale Dnipro Uzviz Krutogirny 33 500 000 $
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Apparent for sale Dnipro Uzviz Krutogirny 33

Створено: 20 травня
Apparent for sale Dnipro Uzviz Krutogirny 33 Дніпро - зображення 1
Адреса: Узвіз Крутогірний 33 Дніпро, Дніпро, Показати На карті на карті
Количество комнат:
Общая площадь: 650 м2
Жилая площадь: 600 м2
Площадь кухни: 150 м2
Тип дома: Кирпичный 
Этажность дома: 12 
Due to major tax crimes, the Polish government is selling property in the city of Dnipro at the address Uzviz Krutogirniy 33, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk region, 49000, Ukraine. This is a multi-storey building with luxury apartments and retail areas below. 20 apartments on the first three floors of this building are for sale due to future evacuation and due to the fact that previous subordinates did not live up to their trust and were subsequently left to the will of the evacuation and the government of the interventionist country. Comfortable luxury apartments in the city center. For all other questions, come and see, right below in the same building there is a temporary office for consultation and sales of these apartments. We speak English, Ukrainian and Polish. Come, look and choose, at the moment 18 out of 20 apartments are available on the first, second and third floors.

Prices from $400, 000. Maximum price: $2, 500, 000. Good luck.

Contacts : phones - +380730968807 Dnipro number 1, +380633667457 Dnipro number 2, +380930228145 Dnipro number 3, +380443003115 Kyiv filial hub 1, +380443003105 Kyiv filial 2.
Receive calls from 9:00 AM to 20:00 (8:00 PM) of Kyiv timezone everyday
Створено: 20 травня
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